Free Sample : Air Compressor Condition Report

Marine Air compressor is an important auxiliary machinery used on ships for starting of  marine engines and other operational purposes. There are several important parts inside the air compressor that needs to be checked and maintained for its efficient running.

If you an engineer  on board ship, then you will be required to make a report at the end of your air compressor maintenance procedure.  Download this free Air Compressor Condition Report to use it for your maintenance paper work.

Air Compressor Condition Report


One Comment

  1. Dear Sir / Madam

    I need following comments proper repots can you please help me out urgently which I have found this thinks to be change or rectified as soon as possible please see the below following points for your information:

     Air compressor out said in direct sun lights need to be covered room.
     You have just covered top said that is not enough it should be teen sheet.
     There is no hot air exhaust from compressor.
     Compressor & dryer controller its very difficult to see the reading parameters etc.
     Our recommendation is you have to have proper room enough fresh air circulation, proper fresh air intake louver

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