The Vista Class Queen Victoria Cruise Ship

The pride of the Cunard Cruise Line, MS Queen Victoria Luxurious Cruise Ship is voyagers’ cruising delight. From the Mediterranean to the Caribbean and from the Canary Islands in the Atlantic to Northern Europe’s astonishing views, the cruise liner offers incomparable cruising destinations to its passengers and comes close to one of the most luxurious cruise ships in the world.

Launched in the year 2007, the Queen Victoria Cruise Ship is similar to her other Cunard sister ships and yet vastly unique at the same time. Her construction differs hugely from the other operating Cunard Cruise Line luxury cruise ships in that it’s comparatively smaller than her sister vessels. But it’s this construction difference that adds immensely to the splendor of the luxury cruise ship.

Queen Victoria Cruise Ship
Image for representation purpose only

With a length of just over 964 feet, the Queen Victoria Cruise Ship offers a haven for cruisers to enjoy a cozy and intimate setting for a voyage. The interior of the vessel provides a perfect complement to this intimate setting which further sets apart a cruising experience aboard the cruise ship.

The decor combines a chic and contemporary style with the stylish beauty of the past-Victorian era, thus magnificently setting the tone for the entire cruising itinerary. Cruisers can revel in the opulent living accommodations with choicest of food, relaxation and entertainment amidst the perfect setting of the oceans and exotic locations spread across the world.

Built at the Italian shipbuilding yard of Fincantieri, the Queen Victoria Cruise commissioning dates back to the early 2000s with its choice of name, a rightful legacy for the British subsidiary of the Carnival conglomerate. Named by Lady Camilla, Prince Charles’ wife at an elaborate ceremony, the Queen Victoria ship is classed under the Cunard Line’s Vista-classification.

The Queen Victoria ship is presently registered to the Bermudian port of registration and is the only second ship in the history of the Cunard Cruise Line to offer circumnavigating cruise voyages.

Cruise Ship Queen Victoria: Technical Fact-sheet

Built at a cost of about £270 million, the luxury cruise ship’s construction followed a budgeting module after the Cunard Line incurred extra expenditure over its then-last constructed vessel – the Cruise Ship Queen Mary.

Cruise Ship Queen Victoria
Image for representation purpose only

The budgetary issues also led the company to tag the Queen Victoria under its Vista-classification with the following technical specifications:

  • At about 90,000 GRTs, the vessel measures slightly over 964 feet lengthwise, with a width of over 106 feet
  • The Queen Victoria Ship has a draft of slightly over 26 feet and a height of about 205 feet
  • Propelled by six engines running on diesel fuel, the vessel can generate operating speeds over 23 knots

The luxury cruise liner has a voyager capacitance of 2,014 with a 900-member crew accompaniment without any social class separator for voyagers to be segregated into.

Needless to say, the Queen Victoria Cruise Ship sets a class of its own when it comes to luxury cruising.

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