8 Reasons to Implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Maritime Industry

CRM or Customer Relationship Management is the most common strategy used by most companies today to keep their customers happy. In the world where the choices are plenty, it is important to keep your clients close, strengthen your relationships with them and find new clients who would be able to trust you for long term.

Every company’s main customer strategy today relies a lot on getting its CRM applications in order, so that it can keep its customers happy. But as important as CRM is to the world of commerce, CRM and maritime industry are just beginning to warm up to each other.

Customer Relationship Management
Credits: RINA

1.  For Customer flux and better management

The Shipping world is not an industry where customers are dealt with on a daily basis. Surely, those who are dedicated customer stay for long but the interaction is not as frequent as in other sectors. But that does not mean that the importance of CRM in shipping industry is something that can be ignored. The need for CRM solutions in marine world is just as dire as elsewhere. Recently, more and more marine workers have started seeking training in CRM, making them more efficient at managing their customer flux.

2.  To Manage Customers Better

But this all brings us to the main point- what is CRM and why is it so important in shipping industry? To put it simple, CRM is the management process that allows a company to keep a tab on their customers in terms of their opinions about the company’s services, responding to their questions as quickly as possible, getting suitable feedback and redirecting it so that the suitable changes can be made.

Why is it needed? Because this is what helps keep the customers happy and happy customers tend to keep coming back. In the marine world, the reasons for CRM are exactly the same.

3.  To know about Customers’ experiences

Starting with cruise lines that need to know about their passengers’ experience with them to the freight and cargo companies responding to their clients’ queries readily, CRM applications help them to keep it all organized and running smoothly.

4.  To Help Customers find what they are looking for

The recent upsurge in the number of people seeking services from the marine industry makes the need for CRM solution even more urgent. The shipping industry needs the efficient management to make sure all their customers get what they are looking for.

5.  To Get Competitive Edge with Efficient CRM system

Another reason why CRM and maritime industry need to align together is because this industry is no longer a monopoly. With privatization, the choices for every single kind of service sought by a potential customer are astounding. May that be a cruise line for vacation with family, shipping company to move stuff to another country or postal services across water bodies- you name it and you can find more variety to choose from than you would be comfortable with.

This particular change means the company offering better services will be the one that has an advantage. And CRM helps them win that advantage.

6.  To Keep Customers Informed at all Times

CRM can prove especially useful for companies in the cargo shipping industry as it helps them keep a track of the stuff. If you can notify your client about status of their shipment to the point it reaches its destination safely, you have a content customer. Tracking becomes much easier with help of CRM. Also, with CRM companies can maintain a better mail system that can function a lot smoother and answer to customers’ grievances at a much faster pace. Getting together the mankind for carrying out such a task is one thing but getting this done efficiently is another and with CRM applications, marine industry can make sure of just that.

7.  To Increase Customer-Company Communication

And as for larger companies, CRM solution is a blessing in disguise for them because it allows them to interact with customer at the most basic level. Know about the problems they face or questions they have to ask or complaints they have to make and you will understand what does your customer actually wants from you. Give him that and you have a customer for long term and that’s what every business is looking for, at end of the day.

8.  To Make Business look less intimidating and more humanly with CRM

A CRM solution actually provides a human face to all the technical aspects of marine industry. This human touch helps business in more ways than imagined because when a customer is worried about a shipment or has an angry complaint to make; it’s always more comforting to reach a human rather than a computer generated mail.

CRM in shipping industry makes a lot of sense, especially judging it from a business point of view. But if you still wonder what is CRM and why would it be needed by a shipping company that is only meant for pleasure and vacations then all you need to remember is that CRM helps making those passengers want to take another vacation sooner and makes sure, they choose the same cruise line again.

You may also like to read-What is Ship-Shore Interface Management in the Shipping World?

References: crminfoline, crmbuyer

One Comment

  1. Customer relationship management (CRM) can considerably modification the means we have a tendency to run our business within the shipping business. CRM and therefore the net, along with different application systems can impact on shipping operations in some ways.

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