What is Marine Asbestos Survey?

Marine asbestos survey is an important necessity in today’s times. Asbestos is a very dangerous material which has the potency to cause several serious diseases and ailments. In the marine industry, the risk of asbestos-causing disorders, a result of the heavy usage of asbestos, is far more dangerous as the threat is not only to the marine life but to humans as well. To keep a check on the amount of asbestos used, marine asbestos surveys are done.

Why Marine Asbestos Surveys?

Through asbestos surveys conducted by the right and expert marine asbestos surveyors, it can be checked and verified if any naval vessel or equipment contains the poisonous material. The survey is also done to check if the asbestos used can be replaced with other suitable materials.

Asbestos has been used in the marine industry right from the time of the Second World War. However, the risks and threats because of the usage of the materials slowly led to the reduction of the usage.  Marine asbestos surveys are conducted because of the fact of eliminating any possibility of the material being present in any equipments or part of naval vessels.

Who does Marine Asbestos Surveys and Effects of Asbestos Surveys?

There are many reputed companies which specialise as asbestos surveyors and provide asbestos surveys to eliminate the threat of the material remaining in the naval vessel. These asbestos surveyors ensure that a proper asbestos survey is carried out to prevent the use of asbestos or to keep it below a certain limit.

Some of the major diseases caused by continuous exposure to asbestos include cancer and mesothelioma – a rare form of cancer that is almost incurable and several other lung disorders. When it comes to the marine sector, it becomes important that a person is physically fit to work on the ship. By regular and continuous exposure to asbestos, a person could get affected by the above diseases which could cause him to lose his life even though he might not indulge in any bad habits like smoking, alcohol, or drugs. Therefore, in order to prevent and avoid such complications, it is important that marine asbestos surveys are conducted and verification is done about the presence of asbestos.

About Asbestos Survey

Asbestos survey involves a lot of complexities because the procedure needs to be carried out in depth. The profession of marine asbestos survey involves a lot of allegiance as any negligence will result in the loss of not only human life but also a great loss to marine eco-system and environment as well.

Marine degeneration is occurring at a very fast rate in today’s times. It therefore becomes even more important to pay attention to things like asbestos contamination so that any crisis may be averted in time. Through expert asbestos surveyors, shipping companies can aid to the cause of marine life conservation and thus contribute in a substantial way.

Asbestos survey is unique and equally unique are asbestos surveyors. However, when it comes to the point of marine asbestos survey, it has to be noted that the relevance and importance of conducting an asbestos survey increases by manifold. For the dual betterment of the human civilisation and the marine eco-system, it is imperative a regular asbestos survey is carried out.



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  1. Dear sir,
    I Mr.U.K.Dey the safety officer of OSL ,India. I would lke to know in tug boat ( ship )on what purpose use asbestos. Please be spacific. And I want to know that what are the alternative matarial in place of asbestos.I am waiting for your kind reply.
    Thanks & Regards
    Uttam Dey

  2. Hello Mr Dey

    Thanks for spending your valuable time.
    Ceramic fiber materials are popularly used as an alternative for asbestos.

  3. Good article on marine asbestos issues, not miuch info out there – thanks for sharing

  4. Informative as I’m ex-navy and have been working with an asbestos abatement company. My question is, once you remove a sample, do you use a sharp knife, or do you use a sharp knife, or simple heat the substance to re-seal?

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