Israeli Navy’s “Saar 6” Missile Ship Successfully Deployed in Red Sea

The ‘Saar 6’ model vessel, dubbed Ahi Magen, took part in operational activities at the port of Eilat. The Israeli Navy has reportedly completed the deployment of four next-gen “Saar 6” model battleships.

The most recent achievement witnessed a missile vessel of the model venture into the Red Sea, where the Israeli naval forces resulted in a massive blow to the marine capabilities of the Hamas.

Saar 6
Image Credits: Isreal Defense Force

The completion of processes for the fourth and final vessel in the Saar 6 series was declared, underscoring an unprecedented pace in the installation and adjustment of next-gen combat systems, positioning Israel at the forefront of naval defence.

Throughout the ongoing conflict with Hamas, Israel’s missiles, as well as standard security vessels, have untiringly targeted hundreds of assets attached to manoeuvring forces.

Several Hamas operatives have been killed as a result of Navy-led operations. The Israeli Navy also effectively targeted and neutralized a large number of high-ranking leaders within Hamas’ naval force, diminishing their operational capabilities dramatically.

Furthermore, the Israeli Navy effectively averted a succession of unmanned submarines through joint efforts between Navy units such as operations headquarters, intelligence vessels, and several technological units.

The Navy’s fighting units in the field coordinated their activities to neutralize these submarines, which were believed to be targeted at causing harm to Israel at sea as well as along its shores.


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