World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Tugboat “Hydrotug 1” Unveiled

The world’s first hydrogen-powered tugboat, the Hydrotug 1, was unveiled by the Port of Antwerp-Bruges in partnership with CMB.TECH marks a significant advancement in environmentally friendly maritime operations. The ship is expected to significantly contribute to the port’s ambitious plan to become carbon neutral by 2050.

The Hydrotug 1 is a cutting-edge vehicle that uses medium-speed BeHydro V12 dual-fuel engines that can burn both conventional and hydrogen.

Video Credit: Port of Antwerp-Bruges

Throughout the tugboat’s operational cycle, these engines—which meet the most recent EU Stage V emissions standards—achieve an astounding 65% reduction in traditional fuel consumption and related emissions. With six stillages on deck, the ship can hold 415 kg of compressed hydrogen, equivalent to removing 350 cars’ emissions annually.

The CEO of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Jacques Vandermeiren, highlighted hydrogen’s critical role in reducing climate impact, establishing the port as a leader in the hydrogen economy in Europe.

The Hydrotug 1, proudly built in Europe, is the largest hydrogen-powered vessel in the world, according to the CEO of CMB.TECH, Alexander Saverys. Working with the Port of Antwerp-Bruges shows our shared goal of showcasing scalable green technology and reducing shipping’s carbon footprint.

Saverys highlighted the thriving energy transition industry in Antwerp, Europe and Belgium and saw Hydrotug 1 as a significant step towards achieving zero-carbon shipping.

The Hydrotug 1 is 30 meters long, 12.5 meters wide, and has a moulded depth of 5 meters. It is powered by two 2MW V12 dual-fuel BeHydro engines certified by Lloyd’s Register and has a bollard pull of 65 tons. Its dual-fuel capability—hydrogen and conventional fuel—highlights the possibility of a clean energy shift in the shipping sector.

The Hydrotug 1, designed by CMB.TECH, built by Armon Shipyards in Spain, has completed its sea trials and is ready to start its first ship assistance and towing operations.

Reference: AJOT

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