Different Types of Trawlers Used in the Shipping World

Although the term trawler is generally associated with fishing, it encompasses a few other interpretations as well. There are different types of trawlers that are used across the world. Many of these trawlers are not known widely among the general public. In this article we will have a look at the various types of trawlers used in the shipping world.

The few main varieties of trawlers can be explained as follows:

Fishing Trawler: As mentioned above, the fishing trawler is the most commonly known variant of the shipping vessel. This particular trawling system uses fishing nets that are attached to the trawler. The nets spread in the water mechanically and are propelled when the trawler moves.

Fishing Trawler

In other words, the fishing net used by a fisherman is dragged in the water not by physical force but with the help of the mechanized trawler. Because of the usage of trawlers in today’s times, it can be said that fishermen find fishing a more productive activity than what it used to be before.

Recreational Trawler/Trawler Boats/Trawler Yachts: These trawler types are the lesser known variety of the naval vessel. Generally known as the recreational trawler or cruise trawler, trawler yachts are basically boats built in the form of trawlers. In some areas, such trawlers are also known as trawler boats. The main feature of these trawler varieties is the fact that they have a higher engine capacity and are designed for the purpose of comfort and luxury. Their main duty is to provide recreation and relaxation. By using terminologies like trawler yachts and trawler boats, there is a distinguishing point provided so as to help laymen avoid using wrong trawler terms.

trawler Yachts

It has to be noted that since trawler yachts and trawler boats are mainly used as passenger naval vessels, the speed of the trawler increases considerably. Fishing trawlers have an average speed of about seven to nine knots, while the speed of the trawler yachts is nearly the double of that.

Apart from the aspect of speed, another major feature of the trawler boats that their design is subject to customisation; which means that they can be designed and constructed the way a person wants them to be. Around the world, there are several such well-known trawler yacht builders who create unique and excellent varieties of trawler boats and trawler yachts.

Naval Trawlers: The concept of naval trawlers was very popular during the World Wars’ time. Naval Trawlers were so named because they were designed in the shape of trawlers. The major feature and advantage of a naval trawler was the fact that they were bulkier and were capable of successfully launching underwater missiles and mines at the enemy vessel. This trawler variety is no longer famous owing to the wide-scale development in military engineering and armaments.

Naval Trawlers

In addition to these to trawler types, there is also a concept known as bottom trawling. Bottom trawling is similar to the first variety of trawlers i.e. fishing trawlers.

In contemporary times, trawlers are more of a necessity than an item of comfort. They are exceedingly helpful to fisher folk as they help in catching fish faster and in large amounts. Also, considering that there are trawler yachts and trawler boats that provide recreational feasibility to patrons, it is seen that the concept of a trawler can be used in many different ways. This multi-dimension of a simple concept is what makes trawlers very useful and alluring simultaneously.

Also read Different Types of Barges and Different Types of Ferries Used in the Shipping World.

References: FAO Website, Yacht Council


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